Treedom's Giving Tuesday Triumph: More Than 650,000 Volunteer Hours and Counting!

Michael Kadisha
November 23, 2023

As we dive into the heart of the holiday season the Treedom team is thrilled to share some exciting news that truly warms our hearts. On this Giving Tuesday, we are proud to announce that the collective efforts of our amazing student community have resulted in the submission of more than 650,000 volunteer hours!

Here at Treedom, we have always believed in the power of giving back. Our unique scholarship model not only recognizes academic excellence but also values the dedication of students to actively contribute to the improvement of their communities. This Giving Tuesday, we are humbled and inspired by the incredible stories of students who have invested their time and energy into causes that resonate deeply with them. They are truly givers!

From tree planting and local clean-up initiatives to tutoring underserved youth and championing sustainable development projects, the diversity of our students' volunteer work is truly awe-inspiring. Each submitted hour represents a commitment to a cause larger than oneself, embodying the essence of what Giving Tuesday is all about.

What makes this milestone even more meaningful is the understanding that these volunteer hours go beyond mere numbers. They symbolize a collective dedication to creating a world where service is a fundamental part of our lives. We celebrate not only the quantity of hours but also the quality of experiences gained by our students as they embark on a journey of personal growth, cultural understanding, and social enrichment.

At Treedom, we take pride in offering more than just financial support. Our scholarship model encourages experiences that elevate social and cultural understanding, fostering well-rounded individuals ready to make a positive impact on the world. The 650,000 volunteer hours submitted are a testament to the success of this holistic approach to education.

To our incredible students, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your commitment to service has turned Treedom into a hub of positive change, and we are honored to be part of your journey. To those who have yet to explore the myriad opportunities on Treedom, we invite you to join our community. With over 650,000 volunteer hours already contributed, there's an abundance of inspiration and impact waiting for you.

On this Giving Tuesday, let us join together in celebrating these achievements and look forward to a future where the spirit of giving continues to flourish. Thank you for being a part of Treedom and for making a difference that transcends numbers—it's a difference that touches lives and transforms communities.

We are so proud of all our students for their commitment to service and making a positive impact on the world.